With the semester coming to a close and finals week fast approaching, the De-Stress Fest gave students a break from their studies and an opportunity to craft, relax and enjoy themselves before a week of tests.
The De-Stress Fest, held by the Kent State University Bookstore on Dec. 4, had a wide variety of booths with different activities and guests.
Some of the activities available included aromatherapy bracelet making, stress ball making, journal decorating, a slime making station, ornament decorating and a holiday card table. There were also therapy dogs available for students to play with.
Several student organizations had booths set up as well.
The bookstore additionally welcomed two authors to the De-Stress Fest for a book signing.
Sabrina Fedel, author of “All Roads Lead to Rome,” joined Kent State students to sign her latest novel – a romance – as well as her other novel, “Leaving Kent State,” a novel about the Kent State shooting that took place May 4, 1970.

“I love coming to Kent… My first book was about the Kent State shootings, so I’ve done a lot of research here and everybody’s really nice,” she said.
For Fedel, the inspiration behind her most recently released novel struck in an authentic way.
“I was learning Italian and working on it and saw a documentary on Chiara Ferragni, and I was thinking a lot about celebrity and celebrity culture because of that,” Feder said.“And I’ve always wanted to set a book in Rome because I have family there and I love it in Italy.”
Fedel also disclosed that her next novel will be coming out in 2025, titled “All Paths Lead to Paris.”
“I started writing books because I love reading and I always wanted to be able to create the kind of stories that I loved,” she said.
The other author featured at the book signing was Regina Brett.
Brett, a Kent State University alumna from the Class of 1986, credits Kent State with making her a writer.

She currently has five books published, all of which focus on life and spirituality. Her most recent book, “Little Detours and Spiritual Adventures,” came out in November.
“I love this college. Don’t give up. Whatever your major is–I changed my major 6 times. Took me twelve years to get a 4-year degree, but wow,” Brett said.“Best decision to stay here and complete it at Kent State.”
Jadynn Rivera, a freshman fashion design major, explained that she came to see the therapy dogs, journal-decorating and to de-stress overall.
While the stress of finals week may still exist, the De-Stress Fest gave students the opportunity to unwind while allowing a chance for students to get creative and have fun.