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The Student News Site of Kent State University

The Burr Magazine

The Burr Magazine

The Student News Site of Kent State University

The Student News Site of Kent State University

The Burr Magazine

Illustration by Dominica Hoover

How to Turn Yourself from a Night Owl to a Morning Person

Jacqueline Flickinger March 14, 2020

Illustration by Dominica Hoover Turning yourself from a night owl to a morning person, coping with early days Let’s face it. The most ideal job for many of us would be where we wake up at noon,...

12 Common College Courtesies You Need To Have As a Roommate  

12 Common College Courtesies You Need To Have As a Roommate 

Jacqueline Flickinger March 5, 2020

Illustration by Elliot Burr Do your dishes This should be common sense. However, some students just can’t muster up the energy to clean their own plates. No one wants to come home to a pile of...

A Lesson in Accidental Minimalism

A Lesson in Accidental Minimalism

Emma Andrus January 31, 2020

If there is one thing my first semester of college has taught me, it’s the valuable lesson of “less is more.”  I first came to campus bright-eyed and seemingly unprepared, and I noticed...

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