Photos by Taylor Gay
Featured image Daria Shevtsova from Pexels
Being a college sophomore (sorry, I guess I started junior year now) can be exhausting. Most of my days start early and end late, and sometimes it seems like all I do is school work. But I’m not here to complain, because most of my days are absolutely great. In this blog, I will take you all through a typical day in my life at Kent State.
7:00 a.m.- I already went through my morning routine for my first class, so go check that out here!
8:00 a.m.- I have my first class of the day, which is Design Principles, Processes and Practices. This class is pretty lecture based, and we usually participate in group exercises at some point during the class. This class is supposed to be an hour and 15 minutes but usually only lasts an hour.
9:15 a.m.- Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I go to the gym. I have a few different workouts that I rotate through. I mainly stick to cardio, but I do lift weights sometimes, or I’ll do an ab floor workout.

10:30 a.m.- After the gym, I travel back to my house, pick out my outfit for the day and get everything ready to take a shower. This is the best part of my days sometimes since it’s the only time where all I do is listen to music and think.

11:25 a.m.- Next up is making some sort of breakfast. Today I made peanut butter toast with some sliced bananas on top. This was a more simple breakfast; sometimes I’ll make waffles or a smoothie, but you can never go wrong with toast.

11:45 a.m.- After I finish eating and clean my dishes, I head back to my room to finish getting ready for the rest of my day. I do my hair, my makeup and sometimes I’ll paint my nails if I’m feeling adventurous. Recently I discovered gel polish, and I’m addicted, so I have been doing that weekly on Mondays.
12:30 p.m.- I work two jobs: one in retail that has set hours, and I’m a representative for South By Sea, a t-shirt company. I attend biweekly meetings, and today just happened to be the day of the meeting. At the meeting, we cover some new things that are happening to the brand and got to check in with our regional sales manager. After the meeting, I send emails for the company and check in on some orders that I’m working on!
1:45 p.m.- The time has finally come for me to head out into the world and attend my in-person classes. I am taking two this semester, so I pack everything I need since I won’t be back until 7:45 tonight. I make sure I have all my notebooks, my laptop and all my chargers.
2:00 p.m.- My first class in person starts in what I believe is one of the best buildings at Kent State: Franklin Hall. I am taking Storytelling Across Platforms, which is a two-hour class, but most of it is just my fellow classmates roasting my professor about not liking pizza. I’m kidding, we learn new things sometimes.

3:05 p.m.- While storytelling is supposed to be longer than an hour, this day was a shorter day, because there was an assignment due later this week. My professor let us go, so we could go work on it and make it the best we could. After I leave our pizza-talking class, I head to the library for my last class of the day. Once I arrive, I pick a spot, look at all the work I was assigned today and start working.
4:50 p.m.- Once I realize I am getting too much work done for the day, I decide to make a Starbucks trip. I walk my happy self down to the first floor and order an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel. I justified it, because I still had one more class to go to. I don’t have the funds to buy Starbucks every day, but it’s a good treat every once and a while.
5:30 p.m.- My last class starts: Magazine Design. This is one of my favorite classes that I’m taking this semester, and I’m so excited for our final project to come together at the end of the semester.
7:30 p.m.- While it seems like a lengthy class, it’s always interesting, but Magazine Design ending means I can finally head home.
7:45 p.m.- This is about the time I make dinner, or I attend an event for my sorority. Tonight we had a sisterhood, so I delayed making dinner a little more. It was a simple “get to know you” event over Zoom, which was really nice, because there are a lot of newer members that I want to get to know!
8:30 p.m.-After the sisterhood, I really just want to get some dinner, so I make a gourmet meal of a sandwich and chips with salsa. I know, so fulfilling, but some nights you just need to eat something quick, and usually, Mondays and Wednesdays consist of meals just like this.
9:15 p.m.- While this isn’t super late, this is the time I change into my comfy clothes and start winding down. I take off any makeup from the day and do my nightly skincare routine.
10:00 p.m.- After my nighttime routine, I usually sit with my roomie and watch TV or a movie. I’ll also take this time to plan for my day tomorrow.
11:15 p.m.-We just talk and listen to our show until I decide I’m too tired, and around 11:15 or 11:30 I hit the hay and call it a day.
I hope this gave you a little more of an inside look into what my days look like, even though they are ever-changing.