Photos By Taylor Gay
With the weather warming up, I am starting to get back into the more positive swing of things. For me, winters usually drag on, and since our spring break was pushed back this year, I felt like it was going to last an eternity. Ohio decided to bless us with warmer weather prior to spring break though, and to me, that’s just making my days 110 times better.

“But Taylor,” you might say, “I still have a full class load, a job and a hundred things to do all the time.” Well you’re in luck because so do I, and I still make time for all the fun things that I like to do when spring starts. Today I’m going to share with you all the fun things that can break you out of your winter caves.
Attend your classes outside- I love doing class outside, especially now that everything’s virtual. It’s so easy to go onto my back porch and just enjoy the weather while still getting some of my work done!
Go for a drive- Going for a drive is one of the best parts of summer and spring. Being able to roll your windows down and blast music is so therapeutic and is such a mood booster. This could be a drive to Dunkin’ or a drive outside of Kent, but trust me, you’ll feel so much better, and it’s so much fun.

Wear your favorite spring outfits- A change in weather calls for a change in clothing. Bring out some of those dusty spring clothing and wear an outfit that makes you feel confident and cute! I love switching my wardrobe from all my baggy hoodies to my fun jeans and cute tank tops!
Take a walk with friends (or by yourself)- Since I live with 15 other girls, nine times out of 10 there is always someone that would like to go on a walk around campus when it gets nice out. Whether it’s just to get out of the house that day or to get some light exercise in, it’s always nice to go out and walk.

Go on a Picnic- Personally, this one is still on my spring bucket list, but I love a good picnic. Get a blanket, pack up some snacks or if you want to be fancy, get items for a charcuterie board. Then, go to a park, set up and take some cute Instagram pictures with your friends. Really have fun with it, pack whatever you want and treat yourself on a weekend!
Go Hiking- This is one of my favorite pastimes during the summer and spring. Since I live so close to Cuyahoga Valley National Park, I tend to go hiking there almost biweekly during the summer. During the spring though, I try to go at least once or twice before finals. It’s nice to make a day out of it and really look around you and see nature.
As spring turns into summer and finals come and go, appreciate the beauty of spring and lavish it by doing all of the fun spring things! There is always something fun to do and trust me, you can always make time for it.